Content Management Systems

Notifications Management

Our notification management web application software allows you to issue notifications as and when required. You can easily create notifications, list, read and unread the notifications and generate quick reports.

All the employees within an organization can easily send and receive notifications and they will be received in the inbox with type (subject) of the notification along with sender's name.

Technology Expertise

  • Our notification management software enables a fast, reliable and effective response to incidents threatening the continuity of services and operations. This is in particular important for 24/7 operated mission-critical systems and IT/ITES.
  • Our product is known for its fast notification delivery and for providing the most reliable support for multi-modal alert notifications
  • Our application provides assurance that correct people are notified. Redundant configurations, escalation chains of notification and self-monitoring capabilities make certain every critical event is responded
  • The mass notification system is intelligent enough to adapt to changing situations. Using automation rules, it contacts alternates, selects teams based on roles, escalates alerts, sequentially contacts group members, and more-all based on your criteria
  • Our application is highly secured web based application and is built on cloud environment and this is built with various technologies for high usability and reliability
  • It is built using PHP at front end and MySQL at backend and various technologies like Javascript and CSS
  • This product helps you in providing
    • Mobility
    • Reliability
    • Global reach
    • Integration
    • Round-the-clock support
    • Straightforward and simple to use
    • Enables anytime, anywhere communications
    • Smart automation for personalized message delivery
    • Escalates alerts across devices
    • GIS mapping for location-specific alerts
    • Recorded voice alerts or text-to-speech
    • Multiple ways for recipients to respond
    • Real-time status of receipt confirmation and feedback
    • One-touch connection to a conference call

Client Challenges

  • Absence of effective and easy internal communication between the employees and admin
  • Lack of posting notifications quickly and easily and respond to messages for increased engagement between employees
  • Inability to quickly connect in real time with each other from remote locations
  • Unavailability of fast, reliable and effective response to incidents and their resolution

Inysol Benefits

  • The notification software we offer is tailor made for small, medium and enterprise level companies
  • The notification software is cloud based and can be easily integrated on your domain
  • It offers real time exchange of information across multiple locations
  • It is fast, reliable and robust application that allows your employees engage with each other to take informed decisions

Business Value

  • Our notifications software allows you to saves, time, effort and money as it enables you with real time collaboration
  • Improved efficiency and increased productivity with seamless engagement between employees
  • Reduced time by 50% in taking quick and effective decisions
  • 24/7 communication system empowering you to offer mission critical system uptime


#43,South Links Blvd Suite,
121, California,
CA 95100,USA.

TASS- +1 858 224 5534


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