Data streaming in from billions of sources can provide predictive insights into customers, business risks and operational efficiencies. But how can you cost-effectively analyze data from information silos and securely share analytics across your enterprise?
Inysols Big Data as a Service is helping businesses store, analyze, and protect their data; transforming their opportunity to understand customer behavior, optimize operations, manage risk, and enable innovation
It is estimated that every day from all around the world including environment, banks, social media websites, images and videos over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is created. And 90% of this data is created in the last 2 years alone.
As more data sets, diverse sources are incorporated into an analytical platform the potential for time lags to impact data currency and consistency becomes our challenge.
Inysol provides advanced Big Data and Analytics solutions, to rapidly provide insights on operations, customers and products. We support predictive analytics, real-time dashboards, master data management and more.