Human Resources Sponsorship Management Solution (HRSMS) is unique, first of its kind, complete and comprehensive HR management solution that is designed and developed to meet Home Office HR Management guidelines. It is extremely user friendly, designed and defined to meet the next generation technology requirements.
HR SMS is conceived and build to be a robust web application and as such it does not require any installation process or maintain any hardware. You can easily access HR SMS from the web and use it to meet the complete requirements of sponsored Immigration workers working in UK.
We have done extensive study and research on the companies hiring and managing immigrant workers and working with UK Home Office to manage the immigrant resources.
Our HRSMS software is so comprehensive and illustrative that you can generate quick reports and manage your communication with Home Office (headquarters) much better and quicker.
Our application is highly secured and is built on cloud environment using various technologies for high usability, scalability, and reliability.
It is built using PHP at front end and MySQL at backend and various technologies like Javascript, CSS.
This product helps you in providing: